On this page, we share good stories, feedback from happy customers and our own experiences with ANYON's crystals.
Tears Of Gold
A couple of friends made their way past Haslev to see the crystals. One wanted a necklace, and chose a crystal necklace with a silver coin. Her friend suggested her to try the same chain with gold coin. At first she didn't want to because she doesn't like gold. However, the friend suggested it again, as she had a feeling that the woman should have gold.
When she put the chain on, tears immediately started rolling down her cheeks. She was almost startled and immediately took it off again. Stood with it in my hands for a while and then tried again. The tears rolled. It was wild - the difference between gold and silver. Gold has a slightly stronger frequency than silver, and since the coin acts as a bridge between the divine potential and the person wearing the chain, it was clear that the gold could create a stronger bridge for the woman than the silver coin.
Of course, she also clearly felt that the chain could support a healing process, and ended up buying the "ugly" chain with a gold coin, as it was clearly the one that worked the most deeply on her.
Estatic dance
Two of the large crystals of 1.5 kg were with Thomas Lyspiil in Egypt for an estatic dance event in Dahab. There were many events throughout the day and the evening also took place at the event. The crystals were in a bag at the site, and since the large crystals have a range of 22 - 25 m. to each side, their energy naturally embraced the area they were in. At one point, Thomas opened the bag to take some water and a shirt , which lay together with the crystals. He touched the crystals to see if they were still there. They were, and great was the surprise to discover that one was scalding hot and the other ice cold.
Since the fluorites contain living, intelligent zero-point energy, they had been lying and working in place. One crystal had become the most activated and therefore very hot as the energies flowed through it.
Sleep for 2 days
A spiritual woman in Egypt had fallen for one of the big fluorites, and when she came home with it she went to bed and slept for two days. The crystal clearly started a deep process in her, where she needed peace and rest for it to proceed. She had worked a lot with the spiritual aspects of herself, and needed to integrate energies that are close to the physical, and the crystal number helped her with that. Subsequently, her sleep rhythm has been completely normal, and she is very happy with her fluorite. Even her marriage felt more balanced afterwards.
The water gave great energy
At my first meeting with Thomas and his products, I ended up taking home one of the large crystals, a water bottle and some jewelry. In general, I could feel a difference - a boost in terms of energy and I also observed that my students were not quite as tired after a long day of teaching as they used to be.
Not long after I started drinking from ANYON's water bottle, I discovered that I was incredibly fresh in the evening and could only go to sleep at 1 - 2 am. It wasn't so lucky when I had to get up early. I stopped drinking from the water bottle after 15 and it helped. I have no idea what exactly happened, but a process was clearly set in motion. Now I can easily drink the water at all times of the day without risking my sleep at night.
My old mother was also given a water bottle because she had been so tired for a long time. She felt no difference after a few weeks. Only after a month did she start to feel a boost in energy.
There are no guidelines for how the individual product affects the individual person, and it does not have to do with the energy level. Our processes are very different, and the water supports the specific process we are in.
Rikke Agersted
More power in the healings
When ANYON is at fairs, there is always feedback from some of the healers at the fair who have stopped by and bought a bracelet. They come beaming with joy with similar stories that they experience a greater power flowing out through the hands during the healings. Especially from the hand where the bracelet sits.