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Thomas Lyspiil

Thomas is the creator of ANYON (Anyon_International), a Danish organisation dedicated to raising awareness (consciousness).The technology is given to humanity at this time and it works in the same way as the Dendera-light, seen in the Temple of Hathor in Egypt, an Atlantean technology.The technology was brought to Egypt before the fall of Atlantis to help keep consciousness at its peak.Thomas has both a music degree from Berklee in Boston, studied biotechnology, is a kinesiologist, the founder of the organization, Rebirth bodywork and 30 years of experience in helping people in their health and spiritual development.


Maha Anwar

Maha Anwar is a medical doctor and healer, living in Cairo. She is responsible for our offices in Qatar, UAE, kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Maha is fluent in Arabic, any question concerning our brand and product or interest in business opportunities can be directed to her. Our new product line of Misbaha, can aswell be answered by Maha.
