ANYON Mara-Nefer perfume oils

125,00 kr.

Anyon Mara-Nefer Oils with fluorite crystals.

ANYON Mara-Nefer Oils

Beautiful roll-on perfume oils made from quality Egyptian oils. In each perfume bottle are a lot of small ANYON fluorite crystals, which link the perfume to the quantum field of the Universe. The perfume can be used as a regular perfume or used with a more specific intention on the individual chakras.

The Mara-Nefer perfume oil was created by Mariam Bassyiouny, who has specialized in healing, breathwork, reiki and Rehutek etc. She is in the process of developing 10 different combination oils for ANYON, which will continuously supplement the rose oil here in the webshop.

The rose oil is the first in the series. It is available in 2 sizes of 6 or 12 ml.

Weight 1,5 kg
Dimensions 36 × 25 × 13 cm