ANYON is the result of a completely new consciousness, which unites quantum physics with the spiritual laws, and thus gives us a unique tool to purposefully create greater balance and harmony in both ourselves and our surroundings. ANYON is a company that aims to help people raise their energetic vibration, providing greater awareness, healing and a better contact with the deepest essence of the soul.

The science behind ANYON
The company is named after the smallest particles in the Universe, called anyones. They can have several sizes, and the very smallest is called a planck.
Science knows that the plank has an oscillation, like a breath or an energy consciousness that moves between 2 points. A kind of echo. There is an outward swing (masculine) and an inward swing (feminine), which we know from the Fibonacci spiral. The oscillation of the plank is the movement that creates life. Just like when you breathe. You can't help but either breathe in or breathe out. The two things are inextricably linked, because otherwise you die.

The Divine essence
Imagine that the original, very first planck is the heart of the Universe. The divine power and thus pure light and love. From this one planck the whole universe is created. Like an energetic movement that spirals outward and away from the heart. It is the Planck that expresses itself through planets, galaxies, stars and all the life that exists in the Universe. A holographic expression of oneself, as everything is created in the planck's image.
We are also an expression of the divine creation. We are each our own little universe. Just as the original planck expresses itself in a huge creation, we will express ourselves through our body, consciousness, intellect and spirituality. When we speak, think, act and live, we express our own divine essence in an outward spiral. The result of our own creation is experienced as an inward spiral. Some call this the law of attraction.

Zero point energy
In the world of quantum physics, you work with zero point energy. The term describes the 95.4% of the Universe's constituents that you don't really know what they are. Only approx. 4.6% of the entire Universe is made up of atoms. However, there will always be a little bit of energy in everything (even in the zero point energy) and it is directly connected to the highest divine potential - the original planck. The zero point energy is an energy that "is" more than it is constantly changing.

The Sacred Geometry of Fluorite
The sacred geometric patterns of the universe are created by anyons of various sizes, and crystals are part of this geometry.
Fluorite's crystal structure is unique from other crystals, and has proven to be able to create the best force field with the ANYON technology. The long strings of billions of planck that lie in the atoms act as a kind of antenna for consciousness and utilization of the divine potential. But only really when these antennas are "switched on" with the electromagnetic frequencies that ANYON has become a trademark for.

That is why the fluorite works
Crystals consist of compressed zero point energy locked into an atom. Thomas Lyspiil disrupts the fluorites' original atomic balance by sending electromagnetic frequencies into them. It releases zero point energy inside the crystal, as the crystal is "tricked" into thinking something has become out of balance, and it therefore works hard to restore the original balance with released zero point energy from the atoms. It creates a larger force field than usual around the fluorite, as the released energy is in excess, because there is really no imbalance. The magnified aura around the crystal will affect everything in its sphere, which is why ANYON's crystals have a unique healing and consciousness-expanding power. Zero point energy is quantum physics' answer to stem cells, and we can absorb it directly from ANYON's fluorites.

The coin builds bridges
The force field of zero point energy that surrounds the crystals is an excess of energy that we humans can absorb and utilize in our own energy field. However, the potential is so infinitely large that we are far from being able to utilize it all, and this is where the coin comes into the picture. The utilization of the energy becomes more targeted.

Targeted utilization of the divine potential
The many trillions of antennas that are activated in the fluorite have many levels in terms of energy, and some of them we humans are not ready to understand or work on yet. The coin simply builds a bridge between the physical, emotional and mental awareness as well as the spiritual potential.
To give a down-to-earth example, it is no use trying to read a textbook on mathematics written at professorial level if you have only reached an understanding of the world of mathematics, equivalent to 3rd grade. Even if the professor-level book is on the bookshelf (and represents the potential), you will not be able to utilize this potential until you have completed 4th, 5th, 6th grade, etc. ANYON's products will help you learn and implement the teachings in 3rd grade much faster than you would otherwise be able to, so you can move up to 4th grade faster. In the end, you will reach the professor level much faster than if you had no help from the products.

An understanding of consciousness
Life is made up of trillions and trillions of moments that are put together next to each other. Just like the pictures in a movie. These many moments create what we call our life.
Each and every moment in time is defined by my own level of consciousness. The vibration I send out and the one I receive again the next moment is equal to the vibration I come from. This determines my personal frequency, and thus also what possible next moment I attract in reality.
Every single moment has a co-creative element. Other people also emit their own vibration which is in line with their personal vibration. When these different vibrations or ideas meet, my level of consciousness as to which vibration I am coming from will determine how much this co-creation conflicts with my perspective on things. When people of different energy frequencies meet, complications or conflicting energies can arise.
Evolution draws us to an understanding that each and every moment is part of the "real me". The reward of this constant higher understanding of who my higher self is will ultimately be a 100% true projection of my higher self.
When I then create from an awareness of my higher self, there will no longer be a co-creation. I want to create every single moment from my higher self - that is, the absolute soul truth for me. These moments create my personal "movie". I will no longer feel conflict with the environment or others in this creation. I want to experience pure creation. The pure projection of ME through my higher self. When my level of consciousness is 100% aligned with my soul potential, all conflict disappears and pure being emerges instead. "I am" feeling.
We humans are at different stages of consciousness, and therefore we create very different realities for ourselves. Thomas Lyspiil tells us that the 9 levels of consciousness we have the opportunity to access are all equally important. When they are all integrated the true colors of the soul can be expressed clearly through the higher self. I become the lens through which my higher self is projected. The crystal, so to speak.
The infinite possibilities of consciousness that lie in the 9 stages of consciousness are linked to the fluorite crystal, which helps me express my soul's highest potential. Although ANYON's products contain an energy that extends into infinite space, we humans will be able to benefit from the energies from all 9 levels.
ANYON is the word chosen to express these basic building blocks of the Universe. Spiritual cultures around the globe talk about the geometry of the Universe. About the sacred patterns that connect everything. These sacred geometric patterns are created by ANYONs in various sizes. The ANYONs consist of both energy and consciousness, and contain the integration of the two, as well as their distinctive properties.

Why working with AnYon's products raises your energy frequency
The Planck length exists in total. Wise people say that the divine resides within ourselves. With an understanding of the planck, this statement suddenly makes a lot more sense.
As humans, we are an isolated system from which we create a certain reality. We create, so to speak, from our own planck in a closed, individual system of ego planck lengths. The ego is also part of the resonance of the Divine.
Our own Planck length can be affected by thoughts, emotions, events, diet, healing, sound, etc. The body consists of cells, which are made of atoms that contain planck. There are many different atoms present in the body, and each and every kind of atom is in different resonance with the entire Planck length field.
This is why it is said that cells remember and that we can turn on and off certain genes in the body. It is simple, but not necessarily easy to actively use this knowledge. It requires a special level of awareness.
ANYON's various products help us raise our own consciousness and offer us a crystal clear representation of ourselves at the level of consciousness we are ready to receive.
Since the anyons exist in all parallel realities, or possible moments if you will, the crystals help us attract the highest possible "now". In this way, the crystals will help us to become our "true self" over time - the manifestation of light and love from our higher self. Or the "I am" stage. When this happens, you will no longer experience a separation from the outside world, other people or life itself. You just "are". One with everything.
Science knows that the Planck length has an oscillation, like a breath or an energy consciousness that moves between 2 points. A kind of echo. There is an outward swing (masculine) and an inward swing (feminine). All plancks are connected to the cosmic heart / the divine which is the original planck. Because they are created in its image. So a copy of a copy of a copy...... The oscillation of the plank is the movement that creates life.
The outgoing energy from the Planck expresses itself through different levels of consciousness and energy. Its movement can be explained through the Fibonacci spiral, which is a way nature arranges itself. The Fibonacci spiral is also found in our own body. DNA expresses itself through the Fibonacci spiral. Since planck is found in everything, it makes sense that if we affect these "antennas" in the body, they can either appear stronger or weaker depending on what we affect them with. Illness, emotional pain, fear, etc. lowers the antenna signal, whereas love, forgiveness, trust and care turn on the signal.
ANYON's products help you turn on your body's antennae and keep the signal.

Personal levels of consciousness
Our soul develops at many points. We can be incredibly specialized and highly developed in terms of consciousness in particular areas of our lives. eg. at work, to play chess, knit etc. In other areas we may not be so much in harmony. It can be in the relationship, in relation to finances, to sports etc. In terms of consciousness, we can therefore be on several different levels at the same time. Where things work really well and feel "right" in relation to our own intuition and consciousness, we are much closer to the soul's essence than the other areas.
At each level of consciousness there are many levels. There is a single point of consciousness where the level is completely in resonance with the divine essence. There will also be levels at the individual level of consciousness where the energy is further away from the optimal point of resonance. However, all the resonance points are also in resonance with each other, although their quality is different. They do not become less valuable for that reason. They are just different.
We humans can only understand the world through the resonance points from which we ourselves operate. So if we are not fully in sync with the conscious balance point at the level we are at, we experience imbalance, illness and other things that create resistance in life on several levels.
The thesis that we ourselves create our reality makes so much sense with this understanding of how energy and consciousness work together.
Simply put, this whole quest to raise the level of consciousness is about bringing ourselves closer to the divine. However, we only understand the divine from exactly the level and energy vibration we ourselves are on. Whatever higher energies we come into contact with. Then we will always interpret them through the glasses that life has given us. The perception of the reality we live in.
Where we should work towards is to be in complete resonance with the optimal point of resonance at each level. We should not strive to be at the 9th level and one with the divine. We ARE already created as a copy of the divine (the original planck). Our purpose here on Earth is to become the best version of ourselves. Get in touch with our soul, via the higher self and its pure potential, as much as possible. After all, we live in a physical world and not an energetic world, although the two are inextricably linked here on Earth.
When you work with ANYON's fluorite crystals, you work with the energetic potential that a fully active "antenna" has access to. All 9 levels of consciousness lie like an aura around the crystal, and when we work with it, drink the water or wear the jewelry, we are constantly in touch with the highest potential. It helps us express our own highest potential. Like taking a homeopathic remedy.

The soul is like the light in a prism
Our soul can be compared to light passing through a prism. It is itself completely pure and in perfect resonance with the divine force or original planck. When the soul enters the physical body, it is similar to light passing through a prism. If there is dirt in the prism, a shadow etc. the light is reflected through this. Like a kind of google translation. The translation of the soul has the limitation that the physical world vibrates at a certain energy level and that our physical body contains both an inherited and collective consciousness or "blueprint" for how the soul can express itself. Thus, the expression of the soul here on Earth becomes like a bad google translation that does not do justice to the original essence.
A human being is a product of the environment, religious, societal or family rules and expressions he learns. Added to this are the personal experiences and other people's experiences that are thrust upon us on the way through life. In other words, all the many parallel realities that thrive in the best of health. The consciousness of the soul is hindered by what we learn because the learning often goes in different directions. It can be difficult to feel yourself and your own attitudes when you are drowning in others'. Added to that are the many emotions that also arise when we encounter the world we live in. Fear, pain, shame, love, care, etc. It can be confusing, and all contribute to creating a certain level of consciousness from which the individual person operates.
One may wonder why this is so. It is in the nature of the divine. Planck's vibration. The breath. The masculine and feminine principle. The outward and astringent effect. We are created in the image of the divine. Now we are looking back to the original work of creation. Why this is so, probably only the divine knows, but there is no doubt that we humans have an inherent soulful yearning to become the finest and purest version of ourselves.
That is why Thomas Lyspiil has spent so many hours understanding and exploring the potential that quantum physics so beautifully shows us the way to. This is also the reason that ANYON was created and that the enormous knowledge that Thomas has acquired has now come to life in concrete products that can give us humans greater access to the full potential that the soul contains.